THIRDMOON: 'Dimorphic Cynosure' E-Card Available

October 16, 2007

Austrian melodic death metallers THIRDMOON will release their fifth album, "Dimorphic Cynosure", on November 23 via Maintain Records. An e-card for the CD can be found at this location.

According to a press release, "listeners can expect the most aggressive but also most melancholic THIRDMOON album, as well as lyrically and musically the most emotional release from mastermind Wolfgang Rothbauer. This concept album will be available as a jewel-case with a running time of 62 minutes at the retail market, and there will also be a limited edition coming as a digipack. Beside exclusive artwork, the digipack version will also have four bonus tracks. Among them are 'Bloodfield', an exclusive soundtrack for the 'Elite MarsBall' online game, and three acoustic instrumentals, which originated spontaneously during the recording of the album and are very important to the band since the emotional condition during the time of recording was set to music quite sentimentally, honestly and spontaneously."

"Dimorphic Cynosure" track listing:

01. Slave
02. Crawl Through Subspecies
03. Sinew Disconnected
04. Character Of Scars
05. Cross The Rubicon
06. Dimorphic (Prologue)
07. Dimorphic Cynosure
08. Sentenced To Aeons
09. Instrumental
10. Souls To Drown
11. Cadaverous Haven
12. Livid
13. Entwined Dimensions
14. Nothing
15. Outro
Bonus tracks (limited digipack only):
16. Bloodfield
17. The Drowning (instrumental)
18. A Hope (instrumental)
19. Sadness (instrumental)


Wolfgang Rothbauer - Vocals, Guitar
Matias Larrede - Guitar
Dominik Hindinger - Guitar
Simon Ă–ller - Bass
Martin Zeller - Drums

THIRDMOON performing live at Z7 in Pratteln, Switzerland in 2005:

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